Following droplets are written in AppleScript of Jedit. If you drop text files on these droplets, files will be converted according to each script. These samples will help you to make your own converter.
To Mac Text
If you drop text files of other OS on this droplet, files are converted into MacOS text (CR line break) files. If it were Japanese text, the kanji encoding are also converted into shift-JIS encoding.
To Dos Text
If you drop text files on this droplet, files are converted into DOS text (CR+LF line break) files. If it were Japanese text, the kanji encoding are also converted into shift-JIS encoding.
To Unix(EUC) Text
If you drop text files on this droplet, files are converted into Unix text (LF line break) files. If it were Japanese text, the kanji encoding are also converted into EUC encoding.
To Unix(JIS) Text
If you drop text files on this droplet, files are converted into Unix text (LF line break) files. If it were Japanese text, the kanji encoding are also converted into JIS encoding.
To Unicode
If you drop text files on this droplet, files are converted into Unicode text files.
The Text Encoding Converter needs to be installed in System Folder.
If you drop text files on this droplet, files are converted into Unicode UTF8 text files.
The Text Encoding Converter needs to be installed in System Folder.
Read Out
If you drop text files on this droplet, the contents of files are read out.
For reading out, English/Japanese text-to-speech system needs to be installed.
Zenkaku Eisu to Hankaku
If you drop text files on this droplet, all the zenkaku alphanumerics in the files are convert to hankaku characters. This droplet can work only in Japanese MacOS.
Hankaku Kana to Zenkaku
If you drop text files on this droplet, all the hankaku katakana in the files are convert to Zenkaku characters. This droplet can work only in Japanese MacOS.